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The Fathom Blog

Creating an app stack that adds value for your clients

Software, apps and technology are the oil in your firm’s engine, keeping everything running smoothly. So it’s worth pulling out the dipstick once in...

The pivotal role of advisors in business success

In early March, Fathom's Director of Business Development in the UK, Andrew Jordon caught up with...

Paul Barnes speaks about benchmarking and reporting with Fathom

Here's how Paul and the MAP team use Fathom to transformXerodata into beautiful benchmark and...

Customer Story: Haydenshapes

We recently caught up with Fathom user Hayden Cox of the boomingHaydenshapes surfboard brand....

An Era of Authenticity and Opportunity With Xero

Returning back to the office with a busy inbox after a whirlwind Xerocon conference can make it all...

How This Business Saves 3 Months a Year with Xero Add Ons

“Our company philosophy has always been to use the best, most innovative technology on the market –...

Customer Story: Matter of Form

Matter of Formis a design-led digital agency, based in London. They are passionate about the...


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