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The Fathom Blog

How Milestone Accounting launched in the middle of 
a pandemic

It takes guts to launch your own accountancy firm in the middle of a pandemic, but that’s exactly...

How Robertson Scannell use dashboards to win new advisory work

Clients need to see their data in a way that works for them, before they can think about what to do...

Fathom helps O’Brien Group save time and add value to their franchisees

In this blog post we hear how franchisor, the O'Brien Group, was being held back by frustrating and...

How South Africa-based Petworld planned for the future with Fathom 🦜

In this case study we meet Guy De Wieuw, and hear how his frustration with producing inaccurate...

Customer catch up: Iridium Business Solutions

In this customer catch up, we speak to Peter Magner, Director of Iridium, and Team Lead Chay...

Customer catch up: Guy De Wieuw at Petworld, South Africa

In this customer catch up, we speak to Guy De Wieuw, owner of Petworld, a group of seven pet stores...

Business Unusual Series: #12 Know your at-risk clients or companies

The final tip in this current series is specifically relevant for business advisory firms and...

Customer catch up: Fraser Lusty from Equity Gap

In this customer catch up, we speak with Fraser Lusty, Director at Edinburgh-based Equity Gap, a...

Our full Q&A with Sean Hackemann from Specialist Accounting Solutions

Fathom caught up with Sean Hackemann recently to hear exactly how he uses Fathom in his own words....
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